Sunday, January 23, 2011

I wanna marry you...

I went to an event hosted at LSTC yesterday called the "Spouses/Partners Perspectives Panel." It was spearheaded by a spouse of a middler, who works incredibly hard to incorporate the spouse/partner community into the student community.

The panel talked a lot about boundaries, involvement, therapy, communication, communication, communication. I continue to be very appreciative for the men and women that make LSTC a more vibrant and well-rounded community, by their call into medical, theatrical, business and education fields, among others.  

There are so many spouses/partners that are being called to serve and love God, in an equally important role as their partner studying theology. As a student who is spouseless, I continue to be so, so, so impressed by people who have made a commitment to their partners in this crazy seminary journey, following them across the country and putting their career goals on hold.

I also really appreciated some of the "tips of the trade" that came from the voices of partners.  On the day off, assign the president of council to screen your phone calls for emergencies.  Encourage a weekly gathering at the beginning of your placement to "meet and greet" with all members of the congregation, but in small doses; this will help establish the family members as individuals, rather than just PKs or the "pastor's wife."  Know what your spouse's opinion is before you go into an interview and NEVER speak on behalf of your spouse, as the pastor or spouse.

I truly value the priesthood of all believers, despite how frustrating it can surely be for these wonderful people.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful summary of the event! Thank you for coming, participating in our discussion, and being so supportive of our spouses/partners community, Meredith!
