Saturday, October 22, 2011


Though Sunday afternoons are the typical days for naps when you are a pastor, or a soon-to-be-pastor, I am reminded of the beauty and bliss of naps any day of the week.

Truth: sometimes I am attempting to read a book for class and fall asleep. It happens.

But I'm visiting my cousin, her husband, and their 2 kids this weekend. The kids get naps each day. It makes them happier. Less cranky. More pleasant to be around. And gives them enough energy to get through the rest of the day.

I'm not saying we can all enjoy the luxury of a nap each day, but how have we lost a mid-day rest? We don't have a siesta, we have a rushed half hour or hour lunch break when we are trying to pack in another errand or two with our meal.

Is Sunday the only time we can enjoy a Sabbath rest? A liturginap? I'd like to find a moment or two (or three) to simply be. To be still for a moment and not stare at my to-do list and feel utterly discouraged. To not stress about assignment and the mounds of paperwork or people that stand between me and ordination.

Wanna try it with me?

(Here's my god daughter napping away. It makes me happy to simply watch her nap!)

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