Saturday, October 8, 2011


There was a bit of.... tension in the air this week. A humm of anxiety that clouded everything. As a seminary we can get through an awful lot. We trust and believe that God is with us and this sees us through some of the worst financial crises and bad news of the community.

The one thing we don't take well is hearing that the church is dying. Is hearing that we have no place in the church that is dying. Is hearing that we as seminarians who are called by God to do ministry in this church have no place in this church.

We consoled one another a lot this week. And then I rediscovered this note I saved from internship.

I got this (and a big hug) after leading one of my final worship services. It gives me a surge of hope every time I look at it. Yes, we may hear the naysayers speak of a church that is dying but the truth is here in notes like these. In the steady attendance of church goers no matter the weather or the holiday or the football game. "Cherch" is alive, a "good plays" and even, yes, "fun."

It also helps that the note is covered in stars... a small reminder of a steady light in the darkness.

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