Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Best Perk

One of the lesser-known perks of being a student at LSTC is being able to use the gym facilities at the University of Chicago with the same student rate as if we were a U of C student. It is because of this amazing perk that I have dropped four pant sizes since the beginning of August. As a result of having little money to afford a new wardrobe every few days, I have resorted to shrinking my clothes in the dryer.

Last night, as I was emptying out my clothes that had been circulating in the heat for an hour and half, I noticed a little trinket on the floor that had an engraving. The message was from John 15:16, which reads, "I have chosen you."

We are in the midst of reading week, which is in the middle of our first semester of the school year. As an M.Div junior, a friend informed me that as of today I apparently only have 16 more segments to go until I have finished my seminary education. While I know that is almost four years away, 16 segments doesn't seem long enough.

It has been reassuring to discover that I'm not the only one who worries that I will leave seminary only to realize that despite all we know, we still know nothing. It has been comforting to discuss with other students that we all worry that we will not have what it takes to bring our church to the next phase in our future. My worry that 16 segments seems so little is echoed in my peers, and it helps to know we all share anxiety on being the best leader we can be.

But what really soothes my heart in these moments of apprehension is the knowledge that God has chosen each of us to be here for a reason. It also soothes my heart that God places reminders in front of me - the conversations of my friends, the better health from a discounted gym membership, or a mere trinket in the dryer - that let me know I am exactly where I need to be.

We all are chosen, and that is the best perk of all.

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