Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Sanctity of Life

The serenity of unseasonably warm days even as time flows towards Advent and the holiday season can sometimes lull you into a reflective mode, especially when your birthday also dawns on the horizon. As a new week blossomed, I found myself enjoying yet another Sunday at my Ministry in Context congregation with the happy addition of my Bishop and the presence of my family, including my mother. 

Later that evening, as my husband recalled the conversation overheard between my mother and my MIC pastor I phoned to tease her because just like any other Southern woman she tends to brag about the children she has raised, and the grandchildren she has come to spoil. 

I've often spoken of my Mother being one of the personal Trinity in my life: the other two being my Aunt Debra and my Grandmother because all three of these women have made a powerful impact on my life, three women who are Christ-like and Christ-centered in their lives. Their unconditional love which has poured over my wounds and soaked me to the bone is part of what has sustained me throughout. Some may scoff at the term of endearment but I don't believe My Creator is offended.

Without her usual laughter, what she offered was a testimony about my coming into this world. My mother was a single parent and in those days single, unwed women were frowned upon no matter how successful they were. My mother said to me that "God gives you the desires of your heart" and what she wanted, was me.

As my life continues to unravel and spin in many multicolored fabrics, pooling at my feet I am aware that my life is not my own. I am humbled that my Mother has loved me as deeply as God loves all of us, knowing I can never repay her for everything she has done.

Thanks Mom for my birth day.

God's Peace.

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