Saturday, November 26, 2011

Let's Get Choppin'!

These past few days I have been struggling to balance my workload with break time. On one hand, it’s Thanksgiving BREAK! This means that I’m supposed to take this time to take a break from my worries and deadlines surrounding my academic schedule. On the other hand the last two weeks of the semester are about to begin, which means it’s time to wrap up the projects that have been gradually creeping up during the semester. It’s become more of a struggle to keep the work apart from the play.
I feel that Chopped can sum up how I feel about these last two weeks. One thing that I really enjoy about Chopped is that the chefs must keep adapting to the wide variety of ingredients to the point of a professional improvisation act. In the same way, I can feel myself getting ready to adapt to these last two weeks. The pressure’s there and in my mystery basket of goodies is one major Worship quiz, one video recording of my Great Thanksgiving, one reflection for Church History, and one Pentateuch quiz! What am I going to create with this batch of ingredients! And it’s still just the appetizer round, there’s more to come.
Despite this pressure, the positive aspect of my academic episode of Chopped is that, like the competing chefs, I will feel good about the work I will put into it and to simply participate in the opportunity to be there. While there will always seem to be something that I can improve in my scholastic dish, I will feel relieved after presenting my dish to the judges. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a finish line. I think this break has been very useful to re-focus myself for the home stretch. Here we go!
Until next Friday!

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