Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Moving Through the Journey

There is a quiet hush that falls as deeply as the misty rain that confounds our childlike spirits as we look to the holidays with anticipation and frustration. The chaos of a sea of papers descending on our heads seems never ending while we crawl in earnest towards the end of the tunnel, stopping only for a moment to lift a glass or two to celebrate with our fellow brothers and sisters who travel this road.

As quickly as the madness erupted, it soothes into streams fanning out into a mass exodus away from the Seminary. Finals and projects have consumed our every waking moment up into this moment as the year comes to a close. The conversations have drifted around to points of interest: Israel, Seattle, Nebraska, Tennessee, France, California and even a little town in the midst of Illinois.

The blogger and her camp family

What strikes me as interesting is that many of us who have answered God's call, our call stories are wrapped in our experiences in Creation-which have happened deep in the wilderness of camp. As outdoor ministries continue to strive to have a stronger voice in the wider Church, no matter where I roam throughout Creation my camp always has a special place within my soul and the people who embraced me as one of there own.

It is in this wilderness, where Creation stands bare, natural we too understand how our souls are opened to the love and mercy of God and even when we feel deemed not beautiful to stand out and be noticed, Our Creator showers fragile magnificence fueling the fierceness within of who He wants us to be.

As we travel towards the wonder of Christ's birth in this Advent season, many will experience newness of life, onto that pathway of serenity. For me, to feel the roughness of gravel under my feet, my gaze weaving through bare branches over my valley-and to have the place where God spoke, and still whispers to me so close I am truly at peace.

May your travels during this Advent speak life into your being, alighting it with the Holy Spirit and God's infallible Love.

Blessed Advent. God's Peace.

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