Tuesday, May 10, 2011


What a weekend!!! I spent some time with my friends from OR at the “Glocal” Mission Gathering. We spent Friday evening and most of Saturday talking about the relationship of local and global mission, and how we need to better in both. We heard some excellent speakers, and even saw a one woman musical/drama, that was superb highlighting ecological responsibilities and the theology that informs it. An amazing opportunity, which I was informed about through my friends who were speakers at the event, but we were able to allow four other LSTC students by asking for scholarships from our school. There were 5 of us as participants, there were a couple more that were speakers, talking about their experiences in Young Adult and Global Missions. The food was amazing, the music was quite inspiring, and the community blossomed. I think this all happened in good time, as we go our separate ways, because we are able to leave remembering the entirety of the church. Although many of these I will not see for months, I take joy in the work they do, some as close as Chicago, others in New York and Minneapolis, and of course my friends in Oregon always working hard for the marginalized. We will all be busy, but I like knowing we are busy together, hands dirty together, being the church together.

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