Friday, April 27, 2012

The Good, the Less than Good, and the Wonderful

The end of the first year at LSTC is looming on the horizon and I can hardly believe it.  I remember asking myself when I wrote the first post on this Taste and See page whether or not I would actually fit in here.  I have some good news and some less good news.  The good news is I totally feel comfortable at LSTC even after one year of discernment in action.  I have become a part of several communities (most of them musically related) and have enjoyed my participation in all of them.  I have made friends with people who I can play Frisbee with and can share a meal almost anytime.

The less than good news is that it took me too long to put myself in the community. In keeping myself caught up with studies and my life outside of the seminary, I had a hard time experiencing the communal quality of this place at first.  I am not slamming on the community here.  The community is wonderful and always adapting to new contexts at this institution.  I wasn’t ready to jump in, although I was certainly welcome to do so.

And so, my big regret for the year is that I took too long to get to know the great people I work with at LSTC.  Now 2/3 of these wonderful people (with some wonderful exceptions!) are leaving and moving on to internship or out into a call of some sort.  As with many others, I will miss them very much and look forward to any visits in the future. Before I say good-bye, however, I am fortunate enough to keep making connections and hanging out with many people before they leave.  It’s kind of nice to know that, for some at least, I won’t have to say goodbye until the end of summer.  The time together is certainly something for which I am thankful.

Until Next Friday!

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