Sunday, April 29, 2012

4 Years

Last night, I opened my LSTC file on my Dropbox to locate an old paper. Four neatly organized folders sat before me. One for each year of seminary. I was stunned.

For one, four years of my life look so neatly organized in their little folders. A sub folder with each class title. Completed papers tucked inside. Notes taken during many hours of my life spent in classrooms on campus and off, learning at the feet of others and soaking up their knowledge.

I have a week left. Two week, technically, before graduation around this time on the 13th. We'll be lining up in our graduation caps and gowns, processing about with our many colleagues in ministry.

A week left of a long four year journey. It has at the same time crawled and flown by. The hours and days seem slow and the months and years fast. Or perhaps it is the opposite? And in several more years, I will be reflecting back on a first call (God willing) and beginning to look towards the next adventure.

What an incredible journey. I have been pulled at like taffy, nurtured in the dusty sunlight, and filled up with good news and hope. I have wept and rejoiced. I have been positively snarky and pissed off. I have been politically correct. I have chosen my words wrongly. I have spoken prophetically. I have been a part of this place and space and time.

LSTC, thank you for forming this visionary leader. I hope I will make you proud.

(the photo is of me and one of my best friends at my birthday party 2nd year)

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you, Hon. Can I copy this to the Messiah newsletter? Kris
