Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lift With Care

My wife, Andrea, and I are both in grad school. We both picked schools in Chicago and started our new educational careers at the same time. So, while I've spent the last two and a half years in seminary, she's had her nose in case books and legal documents as she studies to be a lawyer. Every now and then, when I share my classroom and field experiences with her, she'll say something like, "Man, I'm glad I'm not in seminary." And when she shares her experiences in law school with me, I have the same reaction to the idea of going to law school. It's a great exercise in self-differentiation, for sure.

Through these conversations, I now have many reasons compiled for why law school is definitely not for me. Tonight, I got one more reason for my list.

This box, which contains exactly two textbooks came in the mail for Andrea yesterday. Two books, and it needs a heavy-lifting warning! I know that when I return to classes in the fall, all my books will be regulation-sized - not so large as to make the Anchor Bible Dictionary look like an informational pamphlet. Yet another reason why I'm glad I'm in seminary and not law school!

To be fair, though, I'm not sure why this sticker was on the box. It really isn't that heavy. And, I do feel bad that Andrea and law students everywhere have to lug these tomes around. Nevertheless, this warning sticker, however silly, has been another simple reminder that my seminary experience so far has been profoundly wonderful, and it's exactly where I need to be.


  1. I do say I'm glad I'm not in seminary a lot, but I don't say this enough: I'm glad you are! You are definitely in the right place!

  2. Stressed-out law student, meet JD Match. JD Match is the first step to helping you overcome the recruiting season anxiety and put the right foot forward for landing that law firm job. http://bit.ly/yItoAJ
