Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy New Year and Blessed Epiphany from your friendly neighborhood Gypsy seminarian!

My wonderful husband surprised me with a beautiful Christmas present, a Celtic Cross ring lovingly carved with 1 Corinthians 13:13. The silver that surrounded my finger seem to shine brightly, in a serene way and as I caressed the words of Love, Hope and Faith it slowly turned as gently as the dawn which breathes into life, softly bows touching the coolness of the Earth as the moon rises meeting our gaze with its shimmering light.

And yet, as the weeks have turned so has my ring which now bears the tarnished scars of wear as I continue my journey into this life; my hands which touch and mold and work in different aspects.

Even as the new year crowned and as we celebrated, those memories too are faded and worn replaced by the weariness of what Mother Earth has birthed: the stresses of the everyday, the questions and the struggles. Many of my fellow Seminarians are embarking on their last semester; many of our LSTC community have made transitions which have left the rest of us prayerful and perhaps even mournful.

And yet, three things remain: Love, Hope and Faith. Even though my ring is worn, the words carved into the silver are as what is lovingly breathed into our spirits by Our Creator. These three things remain, the core of our being that we are able to continue living out what He taught and commanded of us. The faith to continue to follow Him, the love of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and the hope that blossoms within us all.

Lape Bondye, God's Peace.

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