Thursday, July 28, 2011

Endings are Hard

As I end internship, it feels a bit impossible. Like a final page turning on a chapter that I keep wanting to read. At the same time, I'm so curious as to what comes next. What does that next chapter hold?

This chapter - internship in Billings, MT - has been a beautiful one. Some very low moments where I was quite literally on my knees with my head in my hands wondering how I could feel so lonely to some very amazing moments when one of the people on my committee told me that I will redefine what it means to be a pastor. I've been richly blessed with many people who have cared for me in big and small ways and some beautiful country to enrich my soul.

As I was saying goodbye to some parishioners the other day, I was reflecting on the four year seminary process. One man looked at me and said, "Yeah, I bet internship is the easiest year, isn't it?" I could only smile and shake my head no. "Easy? No... Good? Yes." It's been a difficult road but the view from here is fantastic...

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