Monday, September 3, 2012

First internship sermon

I got to preach my first sermon at HFASS yesterday, and almost had to 'lead' the service.  Nadia had a speaking engagement (well, 5 in 4 days and 2 states) and her flight was scheduled to arrive at DIA at 3:30.  Of course, it got delayed, and was then scheduled to get in at 4:27.

Luckily the Spirit interceded when I had nothing but sighs too deep for words and Nadia's plane picked up speed in the air and got into the airport with enough time for her to get to liturgy at 5pmand change into her clerics.

The spirit also showed up in the preaching event, which always happens, but is a relief nonetheless.  Nadia has a tradition that whoever is preaching is prayed for by the other person before the service.  In that moment, I felt my nerves disappear and I was filled with the peace that only God is able to give.  As the service started and we sang Schumann's mass I was filled with emotion, as only liturgy can do.

I am going to have to get used to preaching in an interactive environment...I've never had anyone (until last night) talk back to me in the middle of the sermon.  It was nothing terribly distracting, but I made a point and someone said pretty audibly 'wow' in response.  Everyone laughed out loud and it all worked out, but I have a feeling I will like Holy Spirit interruptions like that!

Till next week!

Edit: here's the sermon!


  1. Fun to read this, Alex! I look forward to the next installment. Jim

  2. Alex,

    I find that to be so interesting because I had the opposite situation, I am so use to preaching in a responding environment then last Sunday it was preaching in silence!! Of course I freaked out a little but what made it even tougher the person who was suppose to preside had some vision issues and I also had to preside after only witnessing two services as an observer. However, I received nothing but positive feedback and it just let's me know that CS (Craig Satterlee) was on it when he said you must know the context in which you are preaching.
