Monday, September 10, 2012

Start The Day Right

LSTC has chapel daily, for those who are new to what we do at the seminary.  My first year, I attended about 1/3 of the time, making up excuses for why I couldn't be there the other days.  Last year I went almost every time, because I realized what a gift it was to be able to gather together in community and sing praises to God, to ask God for wholeness, healing, and intercession, to share the peace with people, to pray for forgiveness for ourselves, as well as those people that sat next to me.
Easter Eucharist 2012 (copyright LSTC)
And here in Denver, I don't have that.  There is no daily sermon or meditation, Eucharist only happens on Sunday instead of Sunday and Wednesday, The font isn't gracefully trickling water into a big open pool, and I'm not singing hymns every day.  

In fact, I'm in the real world.  A world where it's pretty easy to get caught up in the daily tasks of life that happen.  A world where chapel isn't every day.  A world where it doesn't rain, but when it does, the reminder of baptism is crystal clear.  

And yet, there are ways for me to fill the void that not having chapel every day has left.  HFASS does Matins every Wednesday at a local church, which is balm to my mid-week soul.  I have been trying to begin the spiritual discipline of pondering the next week's text every morning and every evening (and times in between when I'm working on a sermon).  I'm still open to more ritual, more tradition, more incense....but I haven't yet figured out those parts of life I'm still seeking fulfillment at daybreak, and while I feel good about it so far, does anyone want to send me charcoal, some incense, and a thurible?

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